Saturday, December 11, 2010

this is a world of dreams and revery

my blog's title is "this is a world of dreams and revery". the song that this line comes from is about whimsy and wonder at the daydreams and reveries that we live in as humans. there is something in us that wants more, something that dreams, hopes, muses, and wishes for something grand that's out there. for me, this implies the need for optimistic outlook (which i am not very good at having), faith, and imagination. i want my blog to reflect that. i want to be so much more than i am. i want to be someone who doesn't dwell in the darkest moments of the human condition, but instead rejoices in the hope of a new day in Christ. i want to be able to look past all the sin and broken-heartedness here and focus on the positive impact i can make HERE and NOW for my Savior. I suppose a lot of that comes from the need to really focus on him only, which i have not really been making an effort with.

if anyone comes across this blog, pray for me in these areas. pray the Lord helps me to see the joy and wonder in this life. pray that my eyes are opened to his goodness and grace, and pray that i'll daily find and meet with him. these are crazy times, friends. we need each other more than ever.

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