Thursday, February 10, 2011


i took these pictures of Bailey yesterday. my seeester nannys for a family with a two year old boy, Noah, and a three month old girl. they are beautiful children.

i also got to take these photos of her in my brand spanking new (well, from a thrift store) chair! i know it's blue velvet/corduroy. i still love it.

(note: i don't edit any of my pictures because i don't know how to. so... sorry. i'm also trying to figure out how to use the f/stop on my camera, so some of the pictures have a weird focus and depth of field. i don't care, okay!?)
baby feeties!

(i know it's blurry, but i adore her facial expression!)

she loves licking danielle's clothes and shoulder. haha.

my sister danielle and bailey

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