Thursday, June 9, 2011


i watch three kids on mondays and tuesdays and often they are a riot. lots of energy and very talkative. the youngest one, rena, frequently throws me for a loop. her reasons and her honesty always surprise me. the other day, her older sister hannah was trying to convince me to take her to the mall so she could use her brand spankin' new debit card. we joked a bit but it came down to the fact that i was not going to take them. the conversation (esentially) went like this:

H: why can't we go to the mall?
A (me): because i don't want to
H: why not? why can't we go?
A: because it's too much of a hassle to bring everyone all the way there. rena will want me to buy her something, which i won't do, and she will throw a fit.
H: rena, will you throw a fit if andrea doesn't buy you something?
R: (no hesitation, while fully cuddling with me on the couch): yes.
H: rena!! will you promise not to throw a fit?
R: nope.

she was so straight forward and honest! i almost fell off the couch laughing. needless to say, we didn't go to the mall; if rena was going to admit that she was going to start screaming if she didn't get something, then i sure as heck wasn't going to test that!

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