Saturday, July 2, 2011


last week, i sung this song for my singing recital. i love this song, so simple and sweet. i will modestly but honestly (rhymeeee!) say that i did really well. i was certainly nervous, but it was fun to be able to sing a song that i knew i was confident with. my teacher also offered to play the piano and sing back up for me, which was a nice surprise for the class, judging by their faces haha. one day i hope i sing it as beautifully as she does. adele is seriously talented.

the best part of the whole experience was the feedback i got after singing the song. two girls i look up to in class gave me compliments with enthusiasm, a "that was really, really great." and a "that was gorgeous." i literally felt like i was glowing. as i continued the walk back to my seat, a girl who had come to watch a friend reached out her hand and said that i did a great job. after class, that same girl came up to me and told me that the performance had moved her and that she felt something when we played it. wow. is there any greater compliment? sometimes i wish i was more talented at singing and writing so that i could create music that people would be moved by. what a thrilling feeling.

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