Tuesday, November 16, 2010

DIY cd booklet

got the idea and tutorial from this lovely lady and changed a few things.

i love making mix cds for people i know, but i never have cd cases to put them in when i give them away. this seemed like the perfect answer to my dilemma!

i followed her instructions pretty closely, but i changed a few minor things. first off, she recommends the use of tape to close the edges down on the sides. on hers, it fits perfectly, but for mine i decided to use more of the scrapbook paper instead. i like the effect better, and i was making this at 2 am so i couldn't just go rummaging around, looking for tape. haha.

i also wanted a way to wrap the ribbon around the case so that cds wouldn't fall out. the lady's tutorial had her wrapping a few layers around her case, but i have had this fascination/obsession with buttons lately, so i wanted to find a way to implement it.

i used gold/cream colored wire, looped it through the button a few time, and then poked a hole through the the scrapbook paper and then glued and taped it up on the inside. this way i could wrap the ribbon around the button a few times so that the cd case would stay 'closed'. i added the cute name plate, and on the back taped and glued the ribbon on with a sticker with my creative initials on them.

now all that's left to do is to reinforce the edges a little bit and to make the actual cd for ashlyn!

i'm pretty happy with it, it's one of my first real crafts :)

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