Friday, November 12, 2010

it's friday

This girl I follow on here does this thing every friday where she lists "what she is loving this week". I think this is an awesome idea, so I'm going to start using it :)

1. sweet, happy photos like these:

2. restoring an old, antique window i got at the flea market for ten bucks!

3. the fact that i could very well take the leap into a dslr camera this week! i'm going to take classes at my college next quarter on how to use it!

4. my cuddly kitty is extra cuddly tonight.

5. the fact that i'm actually kind of a blogger now. my tumblr is fun, but i only really reblog things, i never write my own stuff.

6. i have been sick for three days, and i missed a major test but my teacher is letting me retake it on monday!

7. i just discovered pandora. it's incredible.

8. i'm going to be doing some sewing and creating of headbands, some more restoring of the old window, some painting of photo frames, some making of cd booklets, and some chandelier shopping this week =)

9. my best friends are really incredible people

10. i am loving blog stalking other people. everyone has such awesome ideas!

well... that's all for now :)

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